
The Time Capsule Project is more than just a collection; it’s a profound connection spanning from today to tomorrow. Each contribution acts as a bridge, carrying stories, wisdom, and insights into the future, allowing generations to learn about, reflect on, and cherish our contemporary world.

Your Role in Weaving History

Importance of Contribution

Every item, story, or piece of data you share becomes a part of a living legacy. These aren’t just objects or memories—they are the building blocks of a vast historical narrative. Whether it’s a photograph that captures a fleeting moment or a document outlining current technologies, each contribution is a vital piece of the puzzle. They help future generations understand their roots and the journey of their ancestors, providing a rich tapestry of human experiences that illustrate the diversity and vibrancy of life as we know it today.

Through your participation, you are not just preserving history—you are actively shaping it, offering a glimpse of the world through your eyes. This is an invitation to leave a mark that will endure through time, making the past a valuable resource for the future and turning individual stories into a collective memory that transcends ages.

A Brushstroke on the Canvas of Time

Types of Contributions

Community Participation

Community Participation in The Time Capsule Project allows anyone from around the globe to add their voice to a collective history. This option is perfect for individuals who wish to contribute a single item—be it a physical artifact or a digital file. Each contribution, whether it’s a personal memento, a snapshot, or a digital document, plays a part in constructing a comprehensive view of our current era. It’s an inclusive way to participate, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to leave a trace of their existence, regardless of the size or scope of their contribution.


For those seeking a more personalized approach to legacy preservation, the TimeVault offers an exclusive alternative. TimeVault allows individuals, families, or organizations to secure a private space within our time capsules, where they can store multiple items or larger collections. This option is ideal for contributors who want to curate a more detailed and extensive array of artifacts, documents, or digital media. With TimeVault, you have the flexibility to create a bespoke legacy package, which can be directed to future generations or specific recipients as per your wishes, ensuring that your story is told exactly as you envision.

Community vs. Individuality

Community Participation vs. TimeVault

When deciding how to contribute to The Time Capsule Project, understanding the distinctions between Community Participation and TimeVault can help you choose the path that best aligns with your legacy aspirations. Below is a detailed comparison to guide your decision:
Feature Community Participation TimeVault
Access and Cost Open to all, free of charge. Limited to one physical or digital item per participant. Requires a one-time financial contribution, varies by TimeVault size.
Contribution Type Single physical item or digital files up to 1 GB. Multiple items, no size limit within chosen vault capacity; digital items up to 100 TB.
Digital Storage Digital contributions stored in a communal Crystal Memory specific to each time capsule. Personal digital files stored in a private Crystal Memory within the individual TimeVault.
Physical Contribution Space Shared communal space with other participants' contributions. Private, personal space within the purchased TimeVault.
Customization No customization or personalization options. High degree of personalization available, including options for external engraving on the TimeVault.
Legacy Direction Contributions become part of a public, collective legacy accessible after 100 years. Contributions can remain private or be directed to specific descendants or entities as specified by the contributor, after 100 years.
Size Limitations Physical items restricted to dimensions 25 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm. No individual item size restriction within the chosen vault capacity.
Privacy and Security Standard security measures apply. Enhanced privacy and security specific to the individual TimeVault.
Post-Century Options Contributions intended for public access and education after 100 years. Options for private retention or specific directed legacy handovers after 100 years.
Contribution Impact Contributes to a broader, community-focused narrative. Creates a personalized historical record, potentially kept private or directed specifically.
Everyone's Story Matters: Uniting Voices from Around the Globe

Who Can contribute ?

Eligibility: The Time Capsule Project opens its doors wide to everyone. Whether you’re an individual with a small but meaningful item or story, a school looking to capture a snapshot of student life and culture, or an organization aiming to preserve a piece of its history, your contributions are welcome. Our project thrives on the diversity of its participants, and every piece added to our capsules enriches the global narrative we are crafting together.

Global Reach: From the bustling cities of Asia to the serene landscapes of Africa, from the high-tech hubs of Silicon Valley to the historic streets of Europe, and everywhere in between—no matter where you are on the globe, you can contribute. The Time Capsule Project is a global endeavor, capturing stories and artifacts from every corner of the world. Your local story is a piece of the global puzzle, and we are committed to ensuring it’s preserved. Contributions are not just accepted but encouraged from every nation, celebrating the rich diversity and shared experiences of our global community.

Secure Your Place in Time

Contribution Opportunities

How to Contribute

Getting involved with The Time Capsule Project is straightforward, whether you opt for Community Participation or a TimeVault. Here’s a quick start guide:

  • Community Participation: Navigate to the Community Participation section to register and submit your item—be it a physical object or a digital file. Remember, Community Participation allows for one item per person, adhering to size limitations of 25 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm. All submissions operate on a first-come, first-reserve basis due to limited space, ensuring everyone has a fair chance to contribute. Follow our guidelines for materials and preservation carefully.

  • TimeVault: For a more personalized or extensive contribution, choosing a TimeVault might be right for you. Only 10% of each time capsule is dedicated to TimeVaults, emphasizing exclusivity and personal legacy. Start by selecting the size that fits your needs, from the compact Apex to the spacious Core option. Each vault can be personalized and comes with its unique Crystal Memory for digital data. Visit the TimeVault section of our website to register and learn more about customization options.

Engagement Opportunities

Contributing to The Time Capsule Project extends beyond submitting items; it’s about engaging with a community effort to preserve history. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Participate in Events: Join us at various events throughout the year, including educational workshops and public discussions focused on preservation and legacy. These gatherings provide great opportunities to learn more and engage deeply with the project.

  • Promotional Activities: Help us spread the word about The Time Capsule Project. Share our mission on social media, create content, or participate in community outreach. Your support amplifies our impact and extends our reach.

  • Volunteer: We appreciate volunteers from around the globe to assist with logistical aspects of the project, from organizing local capsule events to managing digital data.

By actively participating in The Time Capsule Project, you contribute to a global narrative, ensuring a rich legacy for future generations to explore. Join us in this significant endeavor to bridge generations and capture the essence of our times.


The project accepts both physical and digital contributions, including artifacts, documents, photos, and creative works that adhere to specific guidelines.
Individuals, families, schools, organizations, and communities worldwide are encouraged to contribute, emphasizing global inclusivity.

Begin by selecting your contribution type (physical or digital), register your item on the Contribution Portal, and follow the instructions for submission.

Yes, physical items have size limitations, and digital contributions must meet certain format and size criteria. Detailed guidelines are available on the links below.

Contributing to The Time Capsule Project is completely free, with no cost involved for either digital or physical participation. However, those wishing to secure a dedicated space, such as a caplet, will incur specific fees. This ensures a personalized legacy within the project’s capsules.
The project allows one item per participant per capsule in shared compartments, emphasizing the inclusivity of our collective narrative. For digital contributions, participants can contribute unlimited times. Additionally, you may purchase as many caplets as desired across any of the project’s ten capsules, offering flexibility for those seeking a more substantial personal legacy.
Contributions are meticulously preserved using state-of-the-art techniques to ensure their longevity and accessibility for future generations.
You will receive a confirmation of receipt, and your contribution will be cataloged and prepared for preservation within the time capsule.
Contributions form a collective legacy, each adding to the narrative of our current era for future generations to explore and learn from.

Detailed packing and shipping guidelines are provided on the physical item guide page to ensure the safe arrival and preservation of physical contributions.

Join the Journey

Be part of history, shape the future, and Leave a mark beyond time.